24/5/11 4:20 PM Drawn approximately 22-??-??.

24/5/11 4:20 PM Drawn approximately 22-??-??.
24/5/11 4:20 PM Drawn 22-03-23.
24/4/28 3:40 PM Drawn 22-11-28.
24/4/13 10:33 AM Drawn 22-12-13.
24/5/11 4:20 PM Drawn 23-02-28.
24/4/13 10:35 AM Drawn 23-03-09.
24/4/28 3:40 PM Drawn 23-04-13.
24/4/28 3:40 PM Drawn 23-04-13.
24/2/13 1:11 PM Drawn approximately 23-08-??.
This paper was missing a date but I know it was from the latter half of last year.
There's fileto's little guy there.
24/3/12 10:33 AM Drawn 23-08-10.
24/3/11 9:28 PM Drawn approximately 23-08-16.
24/2/11 2:43 PM Drawn 23-08-21.
Yesterday I was working to help with a fellow scout's eagle project. When we finished one of our uncles let us have a go driving an excavator, that was really cool.
24/2/18 11:43 PM Drawn 23-08-25.
24/2/13 1:16 PM Drawn 23-09-08.
24/3/11 8:54 PM Drawn 23-09-12.
I was able to sketch out that hand pretty quickly and it looked amazing, but the pencil bag I tried to draw is all off. Made me realize I need to practice drawing things other than people.
24/3/12 10:41 AM Drawn 23-09-13.
24/3/12 10:28 AM Drawn 23-09-18.
24/2/22 10:41 PM Drawn 23-09-20.
24/4/4 10:56 AM Drawn 23-09-20.
24/4/4 10:56 AM Drawn 23-09-21.
24/2/22 10:36 PM Drawn 23-09-22.
24/2/13 1:22 PM Drawn 23-09-29.
24/2/18 11:43 PM Drawn 23-09-29.
24/3/7 9:50 AM Drawn approximately 23-10-??.
This was on a test I had in Spanish class.
Esto es de mi examen en mi clase de espaƱol.
24/4/10 1:27 PM Drawn 23-10-23.
I cranked out a crappy essay and just doodled all over this assignment. This was about The Great Gatsby, but man I really did not care for it.
24/4/10 1:27 PM Drawn 23-10-23.
I got a 1.5/5, that's probably about right.
24/2/18 11:43 PM Drawn 23-10-24.
24/3/11 9:18 AM Drawn 23-11-06.
24/3/11 9:18 AM Drawn 23-11-06.
24/4/28 3:40 PM Drawn 23-11-26.
That illegible handwriting is me celebrating that I figured out how to solve matrices, which is useful in raycasting.
24/3/13 1:18 PM PM Drawn 23-11-20.
This it the 30th photo I've uploaded! A month of doodles, and I've stil got more. They're not all glamorous, but I think it's important to show them. I'm not some magical banger machine, and I didn't get good overnight.
That fucked up cat thing is supposed to be Taokaka from BlazBlue Centralfiction. My friend gifted me the game on Steam and got me into it when I drew this. I don't think I could have used my phone in class at the time for a better reference so I just did it from memory.
I main Taokaka, partly because I wanted to explore different character archetypes as I had only played zoners and shotos, and Potemkin when I wanted to fuck around. Mainly though it was because she was a cute catgirl. I got furbaited.
24/3/7 10:40 AM Drawn approximately 23-12-00.
24/3/7 10:31 AM Drawn 23-12-07.
I was supposed to being doing a timed write for Literature class but the material CollegeBoard gives you is so fucking soul destroyingly dull.
At least my teacher agreed with that.
24/2/8 9:01 AM Drawn 23-12-08.
24/3/1 12:45 PM Drawn 23-12-13.
24/2/8 8:00 AM Drawn 24-01-10.
That wireframe is me figuring out some geometry thing.
I feel so un-American for it, but for the sake of easily keeping the file names in order, I've swapped to YY/MM/DD for the whole site except the old archive page.
24/2/9 1:22 PM Drawn 24-01-29.
24/2/7 4:07 PM Drawn 24-02-02 & 24-02-07.
Something weird happened today. Apparently I was assigned to the wrong advisory today. It couldn't have been right since it was full of freshmen, but I'm a senior. When the teacher learned this he asked me what did I think about leaving, and I just said that I'm ready to get outta here, which he laughed at.
I also sung Happy Birthday to someone, that was neat.
I think someone little Rain World slugcats on the whiteboard. I've been meaning to play that. I wrote a little something there to acknowledge that I (probably) knew where it was from. I hope I made someone's day better with that.
24/3/17 8:23 PM Finally bothered to upload it. These aren't my drawings to be clear. Whiteboard doodles aren't meant to last, but I wanted to save some of them.
Maybe it was a little ballsy to draw furries in front of people who may or may not dunk on me for it, but I can take it. I didn't need to worry though they were chill.
24/5/11 4:20 PM Drawn 24-02-06.
24/2/9 1:22 PM Drawn 24-02-08.
24/2/20 12:03 PM Drawn 24-02-20.
24/3/1 12:54 PM Drawn 24-02-20.
Was trying to figure out how to draw the ocean. Also drew a Roblox map for a game I'm working on right now.
24/3/1 12:28 PM Drawn 24-02-22.
24/3/7 12:28 PM Drawn 24-03-07.
When I drew this I was like "oh shit what happened to my fine control did I forget how to draw?" Turns out it was just because I was drawning on my lap instead of a table. I never really thought about how important a stable surface was before.
24/3/20 8:13 PM Drawn 24-03-17.
I helped out with another eagle project today! I helped make some planter boxes, made of wood and sheet metal. It was weird seeing sheet metal so pristine looking. We painted wood, screwed the planter boxes together, did some digging to make space for it and lifted two of them into place. Tiring, but I felt pretty satisfied afterwards. Good thing my allergy meds only ran out afterwards. I've got a runny nose while I'm writing this.
24/3/20 8:38 PM Drawn 24-03-18.
24/3/20 8:38 PM Drawn 24-03-19.
24/4/4 10:57 AM Drawn 24-03-25.
24/5/11 4:20 PM Drawn 24-03-26.
24/4/13 10:38 AM Drawn 24-03-28.
24/4/4 10:57 AM Drawn 24-04-01.
I've been drawing of a lot people and hands lately. A few objects too. It's cool but I think I should try some new stuff. Maybe more backgrounds.
24/4/13 10:38 AM Drawn 24-04-10.
24/4/13 10:38 AM Drawn 24-04-11.
24/5/11 4:20 PM Drawn 24-04-26.
24/5/11 4:20 PM Drawn 24-05-01.
I feel like I keep drawing the same kinds of faces too much. I wanna reference people I see but it's rude to stare. Maybe stock photos would be better a reference.
24/5/11 4:20 PM Drawn 24-05-02.
Top right is a sketch of the spot I hang out at school. I'm gonna graduate in a like a week by the way! I don't entirely regret my time there, but I'm ready to get out.
24/6/20 5:28 AM Drawn 24-06-20.
I'm stressed for a dumb reason. Physical work and doing stuff, I can do that! Focusing on paperwork? I wasted a whole day trying to get something done. I drew this to unwind, had the spark of motivation to upload this, the backlog of stuff I might upload one day is rather large. I have not slept tonight.
Life has been good though.
24/8/31 5:28 AM Drawn 24-08-25.
I made this in the corner of a paper I was using to refresh myself on some math and collision detection stuff for games. I've been slowly working on my game, but I've been neglecting drawing. It was fun drawing again, but I feel like I haven't really been growing as an artist recently. Drawing the same looking dudes, and the same hands. I shouldn't pressure myself too much though.