TheGibusGuy's Inktober 2023

23/10/1 1:58 PM My Piano teacher reminded me that Inktober was a thing. So I've decided to try it this year! I'll also be using this as a little diary for the month.

I went through my freshman year around the second year of Covid, they were trying to get people back in person around that time. We we're assigned one of our school colors. Each day was either a red or white day, and you'd go on your color's day. Mondays on a five day week were an exception, where everyone did online classes. A usual week was ORWRW (Online, Red, White, Red, White). On four day weeks when there was a holiday it was just RWRW.

For the days where I had to actually show up, I napped on this one bench during recess. Well maybe napped is the wrong word, I can never really fall asleep when trying to nap; I just sort of rested my eyes for 15 minutes. I didn't quite dream, but I was living in my own head thinking about stuff during it. This was around when Friday Night Funkin' was picking up steam so that was probably something I was thinking about?

I remember me and my friends would try and play it or a mod during recess, if we managed to get a website to load. This was before they put up all the lame, but understandable web blockers up.

23/10/2 9:05 PM I made this cool scene, but now I feel bad about putting the little guy I drew in harms way. Maybe I'll make a sequel where he comes out alive.

I was supposed to be doing something else instead drawing this, but I was annoyed enough with the teacher that I didn't bother. Part of me feels bad about that, but that part fades away when she gets whiny again. Hey miss, sorry if you ever happen to read this eventually.

A lot happened today, and I'll have a lot to do tommorow, and on the weekend as well. Wow, it's like I'm an adult already. I feel sort of prideful about that, but also sad that I blazed through my childhood faster than I liked worrying about school and crap, now that I'm really disillusioned with it. I feel good about the other stuff in my week I'm spending my time on, but school is an exception. I really wish I didn't have to wake at 6:30 AM five days a week.

It's not all bad though, there are some cool friends and teachers there that make it worth it.

23/10/3 10:09 PM I took some liberties with the prompt and thought about pathfinding in games. This is showing the Nodegraph that NPCs use to navigate in Source Engine games. I was originally going with a Nav Mesh, which bots use in multiplayer games like CS 1.6, but all those squares on the ground require quite a bit of precision to draw, and it was looking too noisy in my artstyle. In a nerdy way it looks cool to me in game though. Maybe I could've leveraged line weight better. I think this is still cool though.

I finally met a fellow Homestuck fan today in school! Well kinda, they just started, but I'm counting it. I'm not alone! I'll recommend that they read with the Unnofficial Collection the next time we're in class together. They'll only be able to use it at home though, since we're forced to use only school Chromebooks now. I guess you could say the collection is Homestuck, hahahaha. Okay the no personal computers at school thing is a security thing, apparently, but it's so dumb and a lot of teachers don't even enforce it. We were told last second before the year school started, so it sucks if you just bought laptop.

Alright enough complaining, today was a pretty good day. As the SPL of my scouting troop I had to step up to fill in for our patrol leader who got sick at todays meeting. I'm getting better at being assertive, although I need to raise my voice more to get everyone to fall in. It's stressful, but rewarding to be in a leadership position, orchestrating important stuff. I feel good about being productive. I drew my final draft of today's prompt after I showered and got home after the meeting.

Phew, cut it kinda close today. I'm confident I can keep this up though. These should look nicer on mobile from now on by the way, I learned some CSS today!

23/10/4 8:55 PM This is one is a like a Madness Combat protagonist dodging bullets and stuff. Impractical, but sick looking. I've been trying to do some basic shadows in this one. It's an interesting challnege, trying to project it in my head. When looking at other artist's work I'm impressed by what they can capture with some confindently placed patches of light and dark in the right places. I think I could have colored them in a little less scratchy, but I think they look suprisingly alright. Although I feel it makes my lacking texturing more apparent.

Texturing could be the next thing I work on. I can do some basic brick and wood textures, but not much else. It'll be another interesting challenge figuring out more textures. Real life stuff has got a lotta fine detail, and you really got look intently to find the important parts that you can convey with just black and white, without getting bogged down rendering some really minute color changes and getting something really noisy looking.

I slept a whole 6 hours last night, so school was actually pretty alright today. I also got some volunteer work done today, bagging and lifting stuff. I actually really enjoy doing stuff like that. I've got arms, and legs, and lungs breathing comfortably, I can move around, and move other things around with my hands and they make fun noises when I touch them, and when I'm tired afterwards there's a feeling of satisfaction knowing I've done good work. Being alive and able to move is very cool, life is awesome, good job past me for not dying.

Oh yeah by the way I did actually find the fellow Homestuck reader after school, and told them about the collection. Mission accomplished.

23/10/5 10:13 PM Well, I wanted to try texturing out more, but I got distracted trying out perspective and lighting again. One thing that I've found tough is rotating planes, like paper sheets, at shear angles, so this was a cool exercise for that. Initially when adding the shadows I felt like I was ruining it, but once I added them all it looks suprisingly okay when looking at it as a whole. I probably could have made it nicer looking if I was more patient, spacing out the shadow lines more evenly and having them all go in the same direction, make them more perspectively correct and yadda yadda, but the important thing is that I'm getting this done, and gaining experience. I can go for more refined stuff after Inktober is over.

I'm happy with my Inktober stuff, but what I'm not happy with is a painting project I have for my art class. We're painting with pallete knives, and I've been having trouble getting the colors right. I can never seem to get the right mix that matches the colors in my reference photo, and it looks really unpleasant to me.

I probably could have spent more time trying to mix colors, and not have wasted some classes doodling, but man, every time I hear my teacher whine about something I feel like the effort would be wasted on someone who doesn't deserve it. Alright I'm complaing about my art teacher again, here we go, so my classmate was a picking a reference image, and she was whining about there being a sign in it. How it's ugly and whatever. Man fuck that, lemme dish out some of my own pretentious critique.

Having the sign is more distinctive, it's real, it's not some overly dolled up perfect vista we've seen 1000 times over. Why not paint the real world, what we see in our day to day lives. The beach is not some perfect vista, it's got signs, and garbage on the sand, and tourists passing by. That's real, it's a snapshot of what the world was really like in the 21st century, let's capture that. Okay I'm done complaing again.

I got inspiration for today's prompt playing CS2, I actually got a beta key before the full release. I've really being trying to improve in the past year. Using utility, being patient and waiting out enemy utility, knowing when I can get away with being aggressive, recoil control, and all kinds of other stuff. Having recoil control click for me a few months ago was an amazing feeling. I was always overdoing it, but now I've got a feel for the camera jolting and can use that to adjust on instinct, focusing on my target more than my crosshair when spraying.

When I miss and die, for a split moment I can see exactly how my aim faltered, and I think about what I could do better next time. It can be often frustrating, but I found it to be very rewarding. Now if only I could get my friends to stop playing Valorant and join me.

23/10/6 11:28 PM Alright, shorter entry because it's late I gotta wake at like 5:30 AM tomorrow. So this is someone making gapple in Minecraft. I like the way this came out, I'll have more to say about this tomorrow.

23/10/7 8:50 PM Whew, one whole week, that's 22.5806451613% of the way there! Hey remember when I said I would update the last post today? Yeah sorry I think might skip out on that. Been kinda worn out recently, so my writing may be notably sparser. It's fall break for me now and I'm finally able to chill. I'll be sure to keep drawing though.

I had to wake up early for a lifeguarding class before the pool opens to the public. I got to be the demonstration victim. That was fun.

For this piece, there's blood dripping from the big snake thing's mouth, so I'd say it's following the theme.

23/10/8 10:12 PM I went out of my comfort zone today to try do a realistic looking toad. I used an image from here as my reference. It came out surprsingly nice looking to me.

Recently when trying to draw the paved roads of CS 1.6's Dust 2 for a scrapped version of the "Path" prompt, I learned that if you're drawing a pattern that doesn't repeat geometrically, varying size and shape is important to making it look natural. I used that knowledge here to get the spots looking nice. Some are longer and some are shorter, and they tend to get smaller further away from the center of the body.

23/10/9 10:28 PM Bouncy little battery powed fella. I really enjoyed making this one. Initially I felt like I had to fill the whole page, but I think I'll try more funky little creatures from now on. This is the stuff I really like to doodle in my school notebooks.

I noticed that my lines look nicer at this scale. Maybe I'll try a thicker pen in the future for full page stuff. The only thing I have is a rather dry thick sharpie at the moment though. Ah well, I think the scratchness has it's appeal.

23/10/10 11:47 PM I made up some coins. Tried some lighting. Looks off, but interesting to me.

Alright I'm a bad mood for a weird reason. I got a conditional Fast Pass to a college, but I was the only one in my family not thrilled about it. The is probably amazing, something people would kill for, something I should be extremely grateful for, but I have do good in High School to get in. I'm so fucking sick of my High School, it's terrible and yet my future is riding on it. I'm being fucked it's incompetence.

Sorry, I know there's already enough miserable people online. Inktober is supposed to be fun. I'm gonna go beat the shit out of some trees with a baseball bat. I'll should feel better tomorrow, I think have fun with it's prompt, with something bigger.

23/10/11 5:44 PM A place to travel, but not to live.

I got this done way earlier than usual since I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do with this one. When I've drawn perpective boxes to practice, I occasionally connect them with bridges and ladders into an odd hiking trail. I like to imagine what it would be like to traverse it myself.

I got to close a big door warehouse door with a chain today, that was neat.

Sorry about being so whiny yesterday. I'm feeling better now, I'll resolve to make this a little more fun from now on.

23/10/12 11:12 PM This is a little sketch of my dad's peppers that he's growing in a Home Depot bucket. It's my job to water them once per day. It pushes me to go outside, touch grass, get some Vitamin D where I'd otherwise just stay indoors all day during break.

I got to play Exploding Kittens today with some fellow scouts. Not many of us showed up to today's meeting but I had fun chit-chatting with the people who did; they're the real ones, the ones who stick it out.

10/12/23 11:12 PM Today's Friday the 13th, neat. I forgot today was even special until I saw Twitter posts about it. Well techincally "𝕏" now, but I feel like they're gonna change back one day, and then this won't make sense anymore.

There are a few blemishes, but I think that adds character. I like the way this came out.

By the way go read Homestuck from here. Fun fact, the font size you're reading right now is ripped straight from it.


23/10/14 8:48 PM I used some reference photos for this one to learn how castles look, how an archer looks head on, and how clouds look from below. I think this came out great for me.

Two days ago I was scrubbing my hair, when I noticed that I somehow forgot my right index finger when cutting my nails. It was odd enough that I felt it to be worth mentioning, but I forgot to write it down until now.

Coming to today, it was awesome. I had another early morning lifeguarding class. I was tense, my breathing shaky, but I was able to recognize my fear and control it, taking deep breaths and being able to powerstroke how I used to. I can't quite do 22 lengths, I only did 4 as I didn't pace myself, but my strides were far more confident and forcerful, and my breathing was controlled far better.

I actually ran out of steam just barely not finishing 4 a few weeks earlier, so today massively restored my faith in my ability. It seems that I'm still afraid of drowning, but I can control how I react to that.

Unfortunately, I could not dive and retrieve the brick because I cramped, lol. Should've stayed hydrated.

Later on in the day I had a Scouting service project at a Japanese festival. My job was to empty trash cans and replace the bags when they were full, along with other scouts for a few hours, and then help put away tables and chairs and the end. This event wasn't as crowded as some of the other ones I've worked at, so it was actually really chill. There was ample downtime between each can needing to be tended to.

I actually enjoy the length of it. This work gets me outta the house and appreciating life, just meandering about and taking in the atmosphere, or chilling in the shade. It's also rewarding when some strangers thank for dealing with the garbage.

There was a cosplaying contest, and the highlight for me was that I got to take a photo with a fursuiter. I think the contrast between me and her in the photo is hilarous but I do genuinely think the suit is cool.

23/10/15 11:57 PM Really tiny one today. I tried doing a cool hand pose perspective thing but I couldn't quite get it to work out, so I went with this easier wanted poster idea. I'm gonna try get it right after posting this.

I should be sleeping right now for school, break's over, ah well.

23/10/16 8:57 PM I had an easier with this one. I had fun doing the clouds. Since they're pretty blobby you don't have to be really precise with the outline and shading to make them look cool.

I didn't sleep enough for school today, ah well. Today was pretty alright though.

Oh yeah here's the photo I was talking about a few days ago:

23/10/17 ??:?? PM Yeah demons, I got an excuse to doodle a bunch of the noodly monster things. I tried doing some shadows with this, still looking jank but I think it adds a lot to the piece.

I got this one done really early in the morning during my art class. I've complained about it enough. It was alright, chatting with my friends makes it bearable.

It seems that the classroom lights are much bluer than the ones in my room, so the paper looks a little different today, neat.

23/10/18 11:28 PM There's atleast one saddle in this image, I'd say I followed the prompt.

I went with another electro-creature thingy again, because trying to make an accurate horse would be hard. Not that I shouldn't try doing that in the future but I'm under time pressure here. I gave it only three legs, I wonder it's trot would look like?

I turned my perspective lines into a weird cube world. I like making environemnts like this, it makes me wonder how someone is supposed to survive there.

I met another Homestuck fan today! They were reading since they were like 7, oh god. I only started when I was about 13 in middle school. He was around for the [S] Cascade Newgrounds crash, crazy stuff.

23/10/19 6:15 PM Quick little plump pumpkin for October. (Reference Photo)

Today kinda sucked, oh well.

23/10/20/ 7:29 PM A frost mage practicing in the forest. I kinda made it look like waterbending.

I looked up a bunch of random refences on Google for the close up snowflakes. The patterns are quite cool to analyze.

23/10/21 6:36 PM A doodle of Axl Low from the Xrd games. I've actually only played Strive and XX ACCENT CORE PLUS R (holy hell what a name), but his design was easier to draw than Strive's and I liked it better than Accent Core's.

I decided to include some of the practice doodles this time, because it's more authentic (and I was feeling lazy). I tried to change the way I drew the chain halfway through but it didn't work out, ah well, still looks cool.

I had to get up early swim and do a service project again. Thankfully this is the last double weekend where I have to do this. I had fun today. I helped build a rock wall for a fishpond, getting all muddy trudging through murky water. I didn't have any tabis so I wore socks and some old shoes. It feels gross but you get used to it. I might have to throw out those socks out now though.

23/10/22 3:04 PM Scratchy man with scratchy hands and scratchy lines.

Man I gotta learn how to draw feet.

Alright that's all for today's entry I'm gonna chill for the rest of it.

23/10/23 8:18 PM Man in the moonlight. Shadows kinda off looking, ah well. Short entry since I've had a long day.

It's done in pencil somewhere, but I did actually learn to draw feet, and elbows too! I'm getting better at drawing people, I might share that stuff later on seperately.

Since it's starting to take a while to load, I've moved my Inktober stuff to its own page. My css made this really easy! Good job me.

23/10/24 4:48 PM The shallow end. Holy shit I went hard with this. Maybe the feet are a little tiny but this is one of best looking people I've drawn recently.

I got this done really early in school again, which is great because I'm sleepy now.

23/10/25 6:52 PM Free candy for the brave, or those smart enough to just press the button with a stick.

Alright this one's kinda fucked, apart from the obvious thing. Drawing thin cylinders at shear angles is tough y'know!

Again, done in school. Even though I was out for a few hours longer today before going home, I really could have uploaded this earlier.

I'm late becuase I'm weak, I gave in, I've gotten really absorbed into a furry romance visual novel. Hey if anyone reading this knows me in real life, sorry.

23/10/26 6:10 PM Who's that cool guy in the mirror?

This one's all doodley cuz I'm tired man. I think this the first time I tried a drawing with a mirror though, that's neat.

23/10/27 12:51 PM Oops, I accidenly did a 2022 prompt yesterday, here's the actually one along with todays one.

Taking out the trash for day 26. Monster looks kinda goofy for day 27.

I wanted to try something better with references but I've got other stuff to keep up with. Tomorrow should be the last day I have to wake up early on the weekend.

23/10/27 6:02 PM Shiny suit, I guess. I wanted to not use the symbol drawing sparkle I usually use, but I'm way to tired to do an art study to figure out a more detailed approach.

I gotta wake up early tomorrow again to swim, and then I have to go straight to my troop's camping trip. Fun, but I'll be gone the whole day and won't be back until the day after to do my Inktober, so I'm doing this one a day early.

God, there's a new book I need to read for class, I need to apply for colleges, I have to finish finish three merit badges, and my Eagle Scout Project. I don't know if I can keep this up.

Next week I'll finally have proper two day weekends again, couldn't come any sooner.

23/10/29 6:02 PM It seems the giant hasn't noticed you yet.

'Ello I'm back from camp. It was pretty great, and no one died on Johnny's Trail! Phew.

23/10/30 7:22 PM Dude's gonna be late for school.

Jank perspective gang, we don't set up perspective lines in this household, lol.

23/10/31 4:58 PM I used to doodle cool fire hands a lot, I brought that back for this one.

Holy fuck I'm alive. I could've gone out with something more elaborate, but I made a cool hand, I'm happy.

Man, time flew, but it also feels so slow too. Rereading some older posts, they feel like forever ago, even though it's only been a few weeks. A few weeks feels shorter than calling it a month.

Maybe it was a bad idea to do this when I had other stuff to keep up with. I survived though, and I can have faith in myself to commit to something, good job me.