The original made one late night.

This post moved from the art main art page to here 24/5/4 2:40 PM
24/4/19 7:11 PM I drew something in school yesterday which was a recreation of a Prequel Adventure panel. I had the idea to add the little paper crown afterwards.
I spaced out the last few pages, but now I'm all caught up and waiting for the next update like everyone else.
It feels cool to be contributing to an image booru for once instead of just browsing, like I'm giving back to the internet.
24/5/4 2:44 PM A little something I made over the past two days. Her face looks better since I could reference it and didn't have to hide my phone from a teacher this time.
The original made one late night.
Newer version made the day after. Shaded a bit and with some nicer colors. I remebered to flip my art to fix her face and pose being off. Realized her tail was missing and added that too.
Alt version per the request of Rick2tails.
24/5/5 9:41 PM Jig_Bigga missed the blush, so did I. Readded it with a nicer color.
24/5/23 4:44 PM I'M DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL! I had time to doodle this during our "Senior Picnic" today. I went down an inflatable water slide into some muddy water today. I wanted to change into some swim trunks, but I was not changing in a porta-potty and putting my clothes down in there, so I had to deal with wet underwear for a bit o~o. I think it was worth it though, I realized that mainly kids do stuff like that, and I might not get the chance to do that again for a long time.
I didn't pack paper today so I drew this on the back of an old science assignment from a friend.
I don't entirely regret my time at my highschool, but I'm so ready to get out, I graduate tomorrow!
24/5/25 1:12 PM Wooh, finally done with this man!
24/6/1 1:20 AM This one's a little bit spicy! Only gonna link this one.
This was originally just the top left one but I got carried away. Stayed up way too late for this, oops.
24/7/14 8:11 PM Very spicy! This was part of a little trend on the art booru. I forgot the cape other people gave her! I think it uh, might be better that way though. Kinda questionable, be warned!
I made this a few weeks ago but was debating on whether or not it was a little too much for here.
24/7/24 5:24 PM Trying out Krita. Although before this I was using Piskel a bit. It's nice to have coloring and linework seperate for once, although I can't use the paint bucket tool anymore.
Also, I'm dumb. I used to not compress png's to maintain quality but Krita specified that png compression is lossless. Maybe one day I could write a tool to comress all the other pngs on my website. I feel like the ammount of time used to make that tool could have been used to just manually do it, but it'd be very tedious.
24/7/29 5:04 PM A commission from MythRava! He lost his job and needed some commissions so I got one from him.
This was the little doodle I gave him for reference. I wanted her to look like she was feeling pretty. :3
24/10/10 12:43 PM I made this for a friends birthday! He really likes Katia (and so do I). It's technically tomorrow in my timezone but it's on time where he lives.
I almost forgot her tail! There's a whole tag in the art booru for pieces where people forgot her tail haha.
25/01/07 3:11 AM I mades some little doodles a month ago. I liked her in a dress enough to make it a full piece! It was a pain to export this from Krita since it had EXIF data that was flipping the image 180 degrees on my phone, but not my PC, thankfully opening Gimp told me about it when I opened the file.
It was originally going to be a red dress, but since I'm new to Krita, my trasnparent lineart wasn't blending nicely with the red. Purple looks great though, I'm glad I went with it! This feels like the cover of an old Fashion magazine!
25/11/10 10:23 PM I loaded up JBMod for the first time in ages and loaded up this map to paint something. I got an achievement for finally logging on after far more than 3 months lol.