23/3/22 10:08 PM My hands, then and now. Feels nice to know that I am actually getting better over time.
December 18th, 2021
March 22nd, 2023
23/3/27 2:29 AM Oh hey, I guess I can do this whole painting thing.
This one kind of reminds me of the Don't Escape games.
He probably could have just shot the sheriff already. Let's hope that doesn't end poorly for him again.
23/4/13 9:26 PM Happy Homestuck day.
I was occupied with school but I still wanted to make a little something for today.
23/4/27 2:52 PM I can draw people walking now, along with other kinds of poses. I feel unstoppable!
A collection of doodles from last night.
23/5/29 7:59 PM This is probably the best thing I've done with pespective and posing so far. I went so hard on this and it was for Roblox game lol. Happy Memorial Day by the way.
I got inspired by Merc Fleet to draw this.
23/6/22 11:11 AM Today I got in the mood to animate and made something neat.
Not bad for about 15 minutes of work.
23/11/9 2:07 AM Yes I know this is absurdly late at night. I couldn't stop think about body mechanics and stuff so I decided to animate this.
I swear wanting to animate improved the way I throw punches. A strong punch has a twist of the upper body and a step forward. In a punch where you stand still, your front foot stays planted but your back foot pushes forward a bit. Your front knee notably bends but you back knee stays straighter. Studying that helped me get a feel for throwing good punches myself.
23/12/13 4:59 PM I wanted this update to be more than just updating pxp's button, so here's some stuff I was sketching while bored in class yesterday.
Our teacher was absent period 1, and I was already done with my period 2 work, so I had time to draw.
23/12/20 4:02 PM Various art bits from this week. It's almost Winter Break for me!. Just tomorrrow left, since I've got friday off.
Made this yesterday. Got better at knowing when I need inbetweens, and when I don't when something is going very fast. For example the arms. When he lands, his arms that we're once high up quickly swing downward. It used to have more inbetween frames and looked weird, but by performing the landing motion irl, I noticed how my quickly my arms really swung.
This week for my English class we had to make posters for the book we just read, to convince our classmates to pick it as our next book. I had to opportunity to draw for it. My group had read Native Son. Arms are kinda small, but I didn't want to waste too much class time redoing it.
I feel like that artist meme where the linework looks so much worse than the sketch. I still think this looks neat though, I wasn't used to drawing at this scale, the paper was pretty big. I know I had to leverage line weight more but I had to finish this in just a few class periods with a Crayola marker. It's not like I could perfect it.
The poster had some requirements. Having adjectives desribing the book. That's why there's "RACIST" bodly written at the top. I wanted to pick some better stuff but this was a group project, and I didn't want to micromanage everything so I let my classmates pick stuff.
Of course I wished to have done something a bit cleaner, but I think the colors look surprising okay. Eyes are kinda yellow though, I had some qualms about that but I let my classmates do it. His gaze did get pretty fucked up in the story anyway.
Hey I'm like darkish Filipino so I think I get the pass to put the light n-word in there. We had to include stuff in the story for the poster.
Here are some more doodles from today.
23/12/25 1:24 AM Midnight spark to animate again. Merry Christmas by the way. Okay I'm gonna go sleep now.
Arms stay close to body during spin.
24/1/18 8:29 PM In my English class we got to make bookmarks today. I wanted to have fun with this one without revealing my power level too much. Decode that if you feel like it, haha.
I'm reading Purple Hibiscus now by the way.
My phone camera somehow recognized this as Japanese.
24/1/21 5:47 PM The dream is real, I'm skilled enough to draw pretty furry women now!
This is Katia from Prequel Adventure.
24/2/1 5:47 PM My irl friend's birthday is coming up, and I wanted to make a cooler gift than just a gift card or something. It's in two days, but since that's Saturday, I'll be giving him this tomorrow.
After getting another friend to ask for his favorite characters, I had time to draw this today. I was able to finish the character in school and the background at home. Several teachers were absent today and the school didn't have enough substitutes, so several classes, including mine, were sent to chill in the cafeteria for the first period.
This is Jax from League Of Legends. Yes yes, I know, lord save his soul. I did have another option, which was Thatcher's Operation Nimrod Elite skin from Rainbow Six Siege (what a mouthful), but I wanted to try test myself to draw more fantastical designs. It feels like everything I've been learning so far has been put into this piece, and I'm very proud of it. However, if I don't stop myself I'm gonna keep tinkering with it forever to fix some tiny mistake. I've put it in my binder and have resolved to not look at it again after this.
It's nice to know that I can use my powers for good, and not just catgirls. I am still going to draw cute catgirls though.
24/2/16 11:07 PM Staring 24/2/12, and ending 24/2/16, I had the spark to try animating again. I did little studies and worked my way up to something cool looking. This isn't the first time I've done this, but I'm particularly proud of the results this time.
These are oldest to newest, left to right, top to bottom.
Although the spine on the last one is little jank since I just wanted to finish the animation already and eyeballed it, I'm really happy with how it came out. Probably the best thing I've animated so far.
24/2/18 4:09 PM I decided to fully inbetween my running animation from a few days ago to 24 fps. Feel's like I'm getting the hang of this!
24/3/15 8:37 PM Holy shit man I just dropped heat! It took a bit the get the perspective right but I'm glad I tried something difficult. Once again I'll find a bunch of tiny mistakes I'll want to fix so I'm gonna upload it here and say it's done. Gotta move on and make new cool stuff.
Over the past two days I've been drawing this for my friend's birthday. He had Mordecai from Lackadaisy as his profile picture at some point. He even bought the pin set and gave me one of the spare, which I stuck to the jacket of my Nepeta plushie on my backpack. To return the favor I drew him this. I shouldn't get too egotistical about this, the focus is his birthday, however I'm confident he'll like it.
I did some neat hacky version of Photoshop's spot healing in MSPaint by just copying boxes of texture to cleanly censor his real name on that letter.
Tomorrow I'll be playing paintball with him and some friends, I just need to manage to wake up early for once lol. My defintion of early is 8 AM. At I get to sleep in a lot afterwards, it's finally Spring Break. Now that I think about it this will be last one, huh? Summer Break isn't really a break since I won't be going back. Damn I'm becoming one old ass man.
24/4/13 10:42 AM Happy Homestuck Day again! I haven't really engaged with the fandom for a while, too much drama, but I felt the impulse to make something really quick late at night 10 days ago.
I must be one of the last like five dudes on Earth that still ship grimdorks. Rose probably isn't that sappy but it's my ship art so it can be whatever I want. >8888)
24/4/19 7:11 PM I drew something in school yesterday which was a recreation of a Prequel Adventure panel. I had the idea to add the little paper crown afterwards.
I spaced out the last few pages, but now I'm all caught up and waiting for the next update like everyone else.
It feels cool to be contributing to an image booru for once instead of just browsing, like I'm giving back to the internet.
24/7/16 1:51 PM Birthday gift for a Homestuck fan who love Pepsicola!
The paper has little colored dots on it since it's from a colored paper set. All the other paper I had was lined.
24/7/31 6:06 AM Had a burst of motivation during an all nighter to draw some hands in Krita.
Compared to the top post, I've improved immensely.
24/9/7 11:34 PM My friend has been writing for a DnD campaign. It's based on this magical mineral called Lucin. (I helped come up with the name!)
Lucin powers all modern technology, but if you breathe it in or it gets into a cut, it will slowly crystalize and corrupt you from the inside. When Lucin multiplies within a living host this is called Lucidity.
I made some concept art for it! My computer has a glass panel that reflects my face. I used my reflection to try and get that dude's mouth looking just right.
We discussed what a fire diamond for it would look like, maybe a material safety data sheet could be in order one day.
24/10/2 4:01 PM I drew my character for my friend's DnD campaign. He's got a Lucidity in his arm from an infected cut long ago.
He's using a LeMat since I've being playing Hunt Showdown and I thought that gun was cool.
I think this could've looked better if I gave him a wider stance but I didn't want to redraw the legs.
I've been going to sleep like 4-6 PM and waking up 12-2 AM so I'm actually pretty sleepy right now which is why this is rather brief.